Ordering vintage gay videos

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Video Post Production Facilities: UCSD Media Center, Rea Tajiri. Avid Post Production Facilities: Clockwork Studios.

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Additional High 8mm Camera: John Benthum. Super 8mm Film Camera: Thomas Allen Harris. Super 8mm Archival Footage: Albert Sydney Johnson. Edited By: Thomas Allen Harris and Christopher Kuhrt. With the Crative Collaboration of: Adrian Jones. Produced, Directed, Written and Conceived by: Thomas Allen Harris. Interweaving conversations among family members, verite documentary footage, dramatic portrayals, experimental recreations, visual abstractions, music television strategies and archival photographs, Vintage is a mosaic of extended black families. In contrast to traditional documentaries, Vintage places the camera in the hands of family members to construct a collective autobiographical presentation of family. Vintage is a meditative and reflexive look at black families through the eyes of black lesbian and gay siblings.

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