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Jung Taehan, his work rival, happens to be the one who helps him out in the most unfortunate time. However, when his first heat hits, its in the most inappropriate time. His physic and his character give the impression that he is an alpha. He is a full-grown adult who has yet to have his first heat. Lee Doyun is an omega who is a very late bloomer. The yaoi manhwa, set in an alternate universe of ABO, is a typical omega-alpha story. It is definitely a must-read for manhwa readers who wants a romantic, cute comic.

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The art is full color and it easily catches the attention of the readers with its cute portrayal of characters. Even though the webtoon has other character developments, the relationship between Taesung and his mother shows great promise. This webtoon focuses mainly on the relationship between the leads and their developing bond. The characters are multidimensional, and the bond they share shows great progress throughout the manhwa. With slight sexual themes, extremely-cute art, and humor to top it all of this manhwa is definitely upcoming and popular. The yaoi manhwa further progresses on how the duo solves their problems and get back together.

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Soon, misunderstandings and delayed talks tear them apart. When Hebom’s parents pass away, he shifts into Taesung’s house. Cherry blossoms After winter is a manhwa were the main characters who were childhood friends.

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